Title : Obin The Flops - Pasti Pasti Aja ft Berry Saint Loco
link : Obin The Flops - Pasti Pasti Aja ft Berry Saint Loco
Obin The Flops - Pasti Pasti Aja ft Berry Saint Loco
Obin The Flops
Lirik Lagu Obin The Flops - Pasti Pasti Aja ft Berry Saint Loco
Dulu pernah punya rasa ragu di hatiDan mimpi buruk tentang kerasnya hariBerharap mentari kan sinari hati iniMeski kadang gak terlalu beraniKuatkan hati Biarin gimana nantiMeski Gimana Esok HariMeski gimana esok nantiKulakukan Yang pasti pasti ajaBerjuang dengan kuatnya hatiKan terwujud Semua angan dan
So this is it! Article Obin The Flops - Pasti Pasti Aja ft Berry Saint Loco
At the end of this article Obin The Flops - Pasti Pasti Aja ft Berry Saint Loco Hopefully we can give you some benefits, see you later on the next article.
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