Title : Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid
link : Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid
Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid
Maura Gabriella
Lirik Lagu Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid
It’s all that i know
The love that you gave
Another one to fold
And i thought it would last
Lost to the cold
A frozen heart abandoned in
A land of broken hope
Little did i know that we would end up here
Little did i know that i was just another page
Repair my heart cause the damage that’s been made
Although it’s hard for me
So this is it! Article Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid
At the end of this article Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid Hopefully we can give you some benefits, see you later on the next article.
You are reading Maura Gabriella - Left Unsaid right now, on link https://mycompleteguitarchord.blogspot.com/2017/08/maura-gabriella-left-unsaid.html