Title : Young Lex - Office Boy
link : Young Lex - Office Boy
Young Lex - Office Boy
Young Lex
Lirik Lagu Young Lex - Office Boy
Lulus SMA jadi Office Boy
Tapi sekarang punya office, boy
Di suruh nyapu nyapu sama ngepel, boy
Di suruh ganti air galon abis, boy
Proses di bawah gue lewatin, boy
Kerja keras kaga pernah bohong, boy
Kadang kenyataan sakit
Kita jatuh di bawah itu untuk belajar bangkit,boy
Buat para Office Boy
Jangan nyerah sama mimpi lo, boy
Kita berasal dari
So this is it! Article Young Lex - Office Boy
At the end of this article Young Lex - Office Boy Hopefully we can give you some benefits, see you later on the next article.
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