Title : Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer
link : Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer
Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer
Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer
Lirik Lagu Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer
Light comes above the rainbow
Just to shining your beautifulness
Sparkles through the trees
And they're moving on
Raindrops fall in on the raincoat
But they can't covered up
Your beautifulness
Your beautifulness
Cause I’m the one who admire you for so long
Never wanted anything but those sweetest smile
So this is it! Article Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer
At the end of this article Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer Hopefully we can give you some benefits, see you later on the next article.
You are reading Ricky Rantung - Your Admirer right now, on link https://mycompleteguitarchord.blogspot.com/2017/10/ricky-rantung-your-admirer.html